Outsourcing of Legal service

Business development is accompanied by the increasing number of legal relations arising during activities of the company: increases the number of contractors, partners, appears foreign economic activity, foreign partners and property abroad. All this requires competent legal regulation in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine.

The BusinessSupport Company offers a service « Outsourcing legal services. »

Outsourcing of Legal Service involves the transfer of legal support of business enterprise to the team of professional lawyers.

Legal services outsourcing is beneficial and useful because:
– No need to hire and maintain a staff of lawyers. This is particularly relevant for small companies;
– Law Firm has at its disposal competent experts who specialize in various areas of law. They will help to resolve any issue that arose during the life of the enterprise without any additional resources;
– Law Firm will not go away on vacation, maternity leave or sick leave, which guarantees the timely provision of legal advice.

Our company in outsourcing of Legal Service provides the following services:
– Analysis of the current contractual documentation of the enterprise and identify legal risks
– Preparation of contracts and the provision of samples of contracts, preparation of orders, information letters;
– Legal examination of documents;
– Conducting litigation;
– Negotiations with contractors;
– Oral and written advice;
– And much more.

The BusinessSupport Company – is your reliable partner