Obtaining residence permit
Starting your own business or branch office in Ukraine, the desire to study in Ukrainian university or a desire raise a family – it all becomes more accessible when there is a residence permit. Residence in Ukraine – it is your guarantee of stability and confidence in the future.
The BusinessSupport Company provides a service « Obtaining residence permit. »
A residence permit procedure is quite laborious; it requires the passage of a huge number of instances. We will take care of all the difficulties related to obtain your desired document.
According to Ukrainian legislation, the residence permit can be temporary and permanent. These two types of permits have a number of differences:
– The terms of issue;
– Basis for issuing;
– Procedure and registration of the residence permit;
– The foreigner rights who has a residence permit.
We will help you to determine what kind of permission you need, understand all the subtleties and intricacies of the Ukrainian legislation, to prepare all the necessary documents and certificates, will provide all sorts of legal advice on the matter. We also provide obtaining a residence permit services « turnkey ».